Hi there!
My name is Sandra and I am one of the awardees of the Roland-R.-Wauer Award 2021. Thanks to the DSKN and ESPR I got the great opportunity to spend my four-week observership at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford.
Feel free to get some insights of my journey.
I'm Sandra Kurzreiter, a fourth year medical student from Germany, currently finishing my 8th semester. I'm studying at the Carl-Gustav-Carus Faculty at the Dresden University of Technology.
I grew up in Thuringia in Germany. After I did my bachelor's degree in business administration at the University of Mannheim I switched 180° and started studying medicine, best decision so far ;-)
Being abroad has always been a source of new perspectives and inspiration for me. After graduating from school I spent a year in New Zealand and Australia, in my business studies I spent a semester abroad in Hanoi, Vietnam and during my medical studies I enjoyed a month in India, doing a Yoga-teacher-training in Goa. And now I'm really looking forward to a new adventure in Oxford.